




It's only ten hours...

  • Many asylum seekers within the UK are forced into destitution when their claims for asylum are turned down. The way we treat these individuals is a blight upon the proud record this country has of providing for those who come to the UK in search of sanctuary.

    In order to raise awareness for destitute asylum seekers the Refugee Council in Birmingham is running a fundraising event on Saturday 6th June 2009.

    We will be spending ten hours in the centre of Birmingham with nothing more than a £1 per person to spend. 10 hours is a long time to survive with only £1. Where would you go? What would you do? How would you feel? Now imagine this was for days or weeks or months on end…

    We will keep everyone's possessions (wallet, money, mobile phone, cigarettes etc) in a safe place and give each participant £1 to spend throughout the day. This is the only money they will have access to!

    Here you can keep up with how the participants cope throughout the day and their reflections on their experiences.

More information on destitution

  • The Still Human Still Here campaign is dedicated to highlighting the plight of tens of thousands of refused asylum seekers who are destitute in the UK.

  • The Refugee Council is campaigning for an end to the unjust and unfair treatment of refugees. We believe all those who ask for asylum in the UK should be treated decently while they are here.
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